

When you are born you have two protectors (if you’re lucky), the two people who made you, who are able to comfort and prepare you for life. 2020 was something no one was prepared for.  Something even the eldest person in my family has never seen. Who would of thunk, yes I meant to say thunk, that this year would play out the way it did. When I rang in the New Year I never imagined that I would be living seven hours away from all I have ever known.  Whats changed with you? Think about all of your changes, what have you done to make the best of it? The word invincible comes to mind lately, something that most people are afraid of losing. Invincibility is a strange feeling where you feel as though nothing can touch you ,or  nothing could break you down.  This year no one was invincible. However, as 2020 comes down to an end we all come out with our own wounds. Whether it be heartbreak, moving on to new begging,  losing your job, or losing a friend, OR MOVING FAR AW...

Being a better human

  Sometimes you travel alone. Usually when you’re alone you eat dinner by yourself. If you’re lucky enough you get the window seat. Being alone is such a beautiful thing. Not only being in your thoughts but being able to do what you want. You are no longer accountable for anyone else’s happiness. Being alone entitles you to whatever the menu holds and however many beverages you want.     In this time alone you are able to people watch. If you are nosey like me, you listen in to what nonsense folks are   boasting about. Whether it be about dogs, friends,  and love. All of those things fall hand in hand though, well I like to think so. Anyhow a girl I met in the bathroom mentioned to me as she noticed I was flying solo dolo, “ How can you travel alone all by yourself? Id be too scared, too lonely, how do you do it?”     I thought to myself, why would you not do it? Naturally I answered coy and told her I was just on an adventure short and sweet and to th...

Hopes into Realities

  In your travels I hope you learn new fun facts about bugs that’s creep you out, I hope you find places that have your favorite food, I hope you make new friends, and most importantly I hope you knock things off your bucket list or if you know me taking your firsts (virginity’s lol). I hope you stay up late laughing your ass off from stories that your new friends tell you. I hope you enjoy little moments like looking up and seeing your best friend admiring the one she loves. I hope you make life easier and do sweet things for your friends just to make them smile. I hope you stay the extra day just to soak up the last bit of your adventure.I hope you look back on your travels and realize how perfect each experience was. Life is so special in those moments and I hope you enjoy taking advantage losing your first virginity’s because there is so many firsts to try. You are born with your name that is given to you but what comes after that is all up to you, darling. Go big.  Find w...


There are things in life you get to hold onto. There’s also things you have to part with. For one, you don’t normally get to keep your first car. Another thing is you don’t get to keep your first love because you grow (which is a good thing). While you grow you have to keep moving, so you’re never really going to be in the same place. Now that’s a good thing and all but sometimes (sometimes) don’t you wish you could just stick around for awhile? Or maybe go back to that feeling you had when you get to meet that person that got your wheels turning again. Now this post isn’t about love or admiration for someone ( because love stinks)or heartbreak because we all have had that one way or another.  This post is about going to concerts with your best friends and holding their hand so tight because you can’t handle how starstruck you are hearing your favorite song. When the lights go down and you know the show is about to start. That feeling when you know you spent too much on a concert t...

Theres your trouble

Everyone has their own bubble, interests, and experiences but when there is a time or place where you get the oppritunity to branch out... I hope you take it. In my most embarrassing moments I like to blame it on the one, the only, Lola. Now she is my alter ego and do not confuse the two of us together because gosh darn it, we are vastly different humans. Exhibit A: Lola can roll into any scene and or scenario and legitimately make it her bitch. She divides from me and says "Sayonara bitch time to go make an ass of yourself."  Exhibit B: Michelle wakes up the next morning ass naked and unsure of her surroundings.. Freaking Lola.  Regrets? absolutely not.  My biggest regrets are usually my hangovers which make it ultimately impossible for me to smile or carry a conversation.  But, what I have realized most lately is that I truly do not owe anyone anything. (My sweet friend reminded me of this recently the one I drove 22 hours to see.)  In my head I always replay ...

Just my Imagination

You were never really real, were you? It was all a pigment of my imagination.  Maybe my friends saw you once but maybe they were just being nice and pretending you were real.  Perhaps you were even an Imaginary friend too, if we are getting technical.  But the thing is, You were real and you didn’t even have the energy to tell me goodbye.  How sad is that? So mind bottling to even comprehend.  To give someone the boot without even giving an explanation.  In this world today it’s even hard to come across a man who will take the time to have a simple conversation, a simple snip snap and send you on your way.  I am not the first girl to get bamboozled but man oh man I know I won’t be the last.  Its funny, I still see you on my feed and I know you are still fluttering around but, I see less and less of you. The gut wrenching part is that the people who you never really even had are the hardest to get over.  . 

Cue the Dang Aliens

There is so much space for noise. Whether it be an actual sound or just the natural hustle of everyday life building up in your inner self. Now, what the hell are you talking about Shell?  Are you okay?  You never truly know what’s going on in a persons mind. Whether it be within the family that can be causing the stress. Perhaps it was even spending time with someone new. Unable to read their true self while getting to know this new person. Life can give you so many opportunities but in an instant it can be taken away.  Lately the world has been in a constant wishy washy state. Not one person in the last few months hasn’t   been affected by the aftermaths of what is going. More specifically this experience will be declared as a moment in history (If we are getting technical or sentimental).  2020 has not been just a moment. It feels as though it’s been a decade. What is crazy is that a year is only 365 days. As time flutters on I like to think that people have ...