When you are born you have two protectors (if you’re lucky), the two people who made you, who are able to comfort and prepare you for life. 2020 was something no one was prepared for. Something even the eldest person in my family has never seen. Who would of thunk, yes I meant to say thunk, that this year would play out the way it did. When I rang in the New Year I never imagined that I would be living seven hours away from all I have ever known. Whats changed with you? Think about all of your changes, what have you done to make the best of it? The word invincible comes to mind lately, something that most people are afraid of losing. Invincibility is a strange feeling where you feel as though nothing can touch you ,or nothing could break you down. This year no one was invincible. However, as 2020 comes down to an end we all come out with our own wounds. Whether it be heartbreak, moving on to new begging, losing your job, or losing a friend, OR MOVING FAR AW...